Come Follow Me - Hopscotch

Come Follow Me Jump!

Print out the words to the first verse with 1 to 2 words per page in large font.  Or use the Printout I created:


Group the words in 4 groups to correspond to the four lines in the first verse:

“Come, follow me,” the Savior said. - 1st hopscotch  group

Then let us in his footsteps tread, - 2nd hopscotch group

For thus alone can we be one - 3rd hopscotch group

With God’s own loved, begotten Son. - 4th hopscotch group

See below for an example of hopscotch patterns to arrange them in.  

I put the words in order from bottom to top so that we sang the words in the same order that we jumped.   

I used painter's tape for easy cleanup. 

By the end of the activity, the papers were destroyed and ready for the trash :)

I started out by asking an adult male teacher who has lots of energy :) to role play the part of Christ. 

I asked for 3 children volunteers to come to the front of the room and be fisherman. 

I had set up 3 chairs in  row and asked the volunteers to sit sideways so that they were sitting behind one other, pretending that they were in a row boat. 

They were to pretend to row and catch fish. 

I told the actor playing Christ to walk toward the fishers and say, 

"Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men" (Matthew 4:19) while beckoning to them to come along with him.  

He led the children around the room jumping and hopping on the hopscotch words while everyone sang the first verse. 

Then, I told the volunteers to sit down and I chose 3 more children to come up and repeat. 

We repeated a couple of times, and on the last round, I invited ALL of the children to come up and do the hopscotch while we sang the song.

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